
Wolverton's End of Days

Since it was mentioned in my other post and these pictures are way scarier than any horror movie that's on TV tonight, here are Basil Wolverton's end-of-the-world illustrations. The originals were in black and white and are preferable to the colorized versions by Wolverton's son, they these'll do.

These images were flat-out stolen from Wolvertoon.com, but I've seen them posted a ton of other sites. A book of these and other Biblical images has been talked about and teased for awhile now and that would be great to see because, as Monte Wolverton's site mentions, this is not the complete set (and they seem out of order, image four seems like it should go way earlier...).


Sandy said...
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Sandy said...

Check it out.

brandon said...

Oh. Shit. Awesome!!

Sandy said...

Ha! Thought you'd like to see that.