
Pokemon Size Comparison Chart

Threw this together today for some kids who were interested/arguing about Pokemon sizes. I saw a size chart a while ago in some book, but couldn't find one on the internet. The size of Pokemon in the games is also kind of nebulous. You catch Dialga and it's the same size as Torterra in battle. I don't watch any of the movies or shows so I had no real idea their sizes compared to each other.

The heights are all based on the ones listed on Pokemon.Marriland.com. One block is equal to one foot, so you're probably about as tall as the top of Snorlax's head, unless you're a kid then you're probably closer to Lucario. I edited some sizes for the sake of their image. Snorlax is about a foot shorter than listed because he's lounging, and Groudon is shorter because he's hunched over.


samuel rules said...

can we get a Wailord for size??


Jesse Reese said...

You betcha.


samuel rules said...


samuel rules said...

i used to play pokemon stadium on gamecube, whatever that incarnation was called, and when i busted out my wailord it instantly trumped everything, even though it was quickly beaten by a sceptile.

Anonymous said...


Viagra said...

Am sorry but i just don't get it. Where's the fuzz about Pokemon size? if you watch the show you know which Pokemon is bigger, you just have no idea of actual size and i wouldn't mind it either.