
Where My Money Went - Dec. 17th

Every Wednesday, I push the limits of my budget for my comic addiction. This is where my money went this week:

I know Christmas comics are supposed to be lame but whatever, I'm a sucker. The Frank Quitely cover is great, I love sappy shit like this. The first story alone makes the book worth it, a story about Santa's origin, explaining he's the last son from an ice planet. His parents shot him into space on a path to Earth so he could keep their race alive. That's cool, right guys?

I know we just had our Larry Marder interview but we have to talk about the new Beanworld: "Every Cutie Deserves A Toy." I'm basically over the color shit because it just means that now I know that there are boys and girls, and the only girl isn't Professor Garbanzo! I had no idea! The new Beanworld trade comes out in February, so finally I can get people into Beanworld without hunting down the trades that are impossible to find. Larry Marder is basically a genius, he hasn't missed a beat since the last TOTB book, it's incredible how real it all feels to me and how much I understand from all the Bean Dudes. Best comic ever?

I waste (and I do mean waste) a lot of money on Marvel Comics. However, I think DC characters are never enough, even when the writing is great the characters never feel developed enough. But I LOVE Marvel, the characters sometimes act like people you know and actually feel like personalities. I buy so many Marvel books because I hope it'll be interesting, and then I get shit like this. $3.99 for extended versions of the previews I got at the end of Dark Reign. I never feel ripped off or am this person who feels cheated but Marvel is sorta fucking with me.

Madman #12 separates Joe and It-Girl, and has more weirdo Mormon stuff, but ends with return of Madman's biggest villain! Allred's panel design and way of playing with motion in a single panel continues to evolve and grow, he's basically on his way to changing comics again. Madman-Joe (Madwoman? Madgirl?) is exciting, possibly leading into Frank putting together an all new super hero team, and maybe even leading a new Atomics?


Anonymous said...

dude, that Quietly cover!
he even made Aquaman look cool.
You do what you can with nightwing--but cool aquaman is impressive.

I do understand your love of Marvel,and Artwize there's some exciting stuff going on there too.
But something is still not quite there.

I think I'm ruined by 80's Marvel where you knew you could get a full story out of a spiderman issue and not just 15 pages of a to be continued.

samuel rules said...

The only complete single issue stories you get now are one shots that are four or five bucks, and that's such a rip off. I was spoiled by my uncle's Captain America and X-Men comics.