Days like today are stressful. When one of the best comics you've read in awhile by one of the most bat-shit crazy comics writers ever is about to conclude, it's a little scary. Pretty much however All-Star Superman ends will be fine, still, let's hope it wraps up as perfectly as it's done everything else.
To take the edge off, listen to the John Williams' "Superman Theme"-sampling "Tony's Back" by Baltimore Club legend KW Griff. Just like the original, this one teases you with those flutters of strings and you keep waiting for it to break-out into superhero fanfare, but it throws in some club breaks and over time, Griff shortens the sample and flips it all kinds of ways. The titular Tony is Miss Tony (and sometimes Big Tony), an early club DJ, Baltimore personality, and drag-queen, who passed away in 2003. Here's some classic Miss Tony songs that don't have anything to do with Superman but are really awesome.
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